The Reason for the Season

The Reason for the Season
The Reason for the Season

It is hard to believe that Christmas is here. In my opinion, this is the most expensive holiday. Parents are running around buying everything on their Christmas gift lists. Santa preparing to bring the special toys and clothes. Instead of focusing on the hustle and bustle, I like to focus on what December 25 is really about- the Birth of Jesus and not what is under the Christmas tree. I’m all about the reason for the season, the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not all the commercialization that it has turned into.

Please remember to bring Christ back into Christmas and do not worry about if you have enough present under the tree. The best gift you can give your children and family is the gift of God’s love, and the history of how Christmas was really started- with a star over a manger in Bethlehem, the birth of one child who was sent here to teach us the ways of our Lord and to take away our sins. That, in my opinion, is what Christmas is about. Yes, we will have presents under our trees for our family and friends, and I will also have presents for my four dogs who already know the reason for season because God sent them to help us find our way.

My wish for all of the reader is to make this Christmas season special for you and loved ones and don’t stress about the little things, it will all work out.  Treat others with the love and respect they deserve, be kind, help people when you can, and always be loving and caring to animals. Remember, God spelled backwards is dog, he made dogs to be man’s best friend. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!