Puggles Make A Happy Home

Puggles Make A Happy Home
Puggles Make A Happy Home

Nearly 15 years ago, before my wife and I were even married, we welcomed the first addition into our family, a puggle puppy we named Lola.  We had never heard of puggles before seeing her, but quickly learned that they are a mix of a male pug and a female beagle. These people and food loving puppies have quite a strong following amongst those that know them. Most first generation puggles have fawn coloring, a bit of curled tail and a shorter snout. Lola quickly acclimated and quickly earned her reputation of being like Marley from the Marley and Me book and movie. Just like Marley, Lola ended up being a clearance puppy! Lola loves us with all her heart, but for a long time could get into trouble in any number of ways.   She had so much energy and would eat anything- edible or not. She could destroy squeaky toys in no time flat! She would run around the apartment with toilet paper strung from her mouth all the way through the kitchen and dining room. She was a lover of walks in her younger days and still barks to protect us from even the slightest perceived threat outside our door. She LOVES my wife, Amanda, above all else but food will always be her second love. Lola inhales everything and would eat all day long if we let her. Her manners are not always the best when people have snacks in their hands, but no one can claim Lola is not a sweet and caring dog.

When we brought our daughters home from the hospital Lola was not jealous but loved to lay beside them on their blankets as they played. Lola has been a patient playmate for a long time. It is impossible to count how many times she has been dressed up in scarves, hats, necklaces and glasses. Lola has been a constant companion and enjoys when people have been home sick from work and school because she gets to lay with someone on the couch all day. You can’t even begin to imagine how much love and joy Lola has brought into our lives. She has been with us through two apartments, one move across the state, our wedding, two houses and two kids.  As she nears her 15th birthday this July, she moves a little slower, she has to be lifted up onto the bed, and her fur has turned white, but she still wants nothing more than to cuddle up on the couch or chair. She still acts like she is starving all the time and still tries to trick everyone into thinking she hasn’t been fed yet. Luckily, Lola is very healthy for her age and we hope to have her for even longer. It will be a very rough day at the McGraw household when Lola crosses the rainbow bridge.

We love Lola so much that we have dipped our toes back into the puggle pond again!  At the end of June, we welcomed another puggle into our home. Caroline has brought back lots of memories of the fun and mischief we had 15 years ago with puppy Lola. If Caroline can continue to give us as much love and fun as Lola has, we will be blessed beyond belief. I am also happy that Caroline will be our connection to Lola in the future. Dogs are a big part of many people’s lives. They truly love us unconditionally.  The wagging tail greeting you at the door or in the yard when you come home can’t help but brighten your day.  I hope that every dog lover gets the chance to have a companion like Lola has been to our family.