Point Udall – Easternmost Point in the U.S.

Point Udall – Easternmost Point in the U.S.
Point Udall – Easternmost Point in the U.S.

If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend visiting the beautiful island of St. Croix. It has breathtaking views, beautiful beaches and so much to do.

I was fortunate to travel there recently and had a fantastic time. And while in St. Croix, I was able to take a beautiful and scenic drive to Point Udall, which is the easternmost point in the U.S. and is located at the east end of the island. If you get up early enough, you can even be the first in the U.S. to see the sunrise. I was on vacation and unfortunately did not get up early enough, but I hear it is breathtaking to see.

Point Udall was named after Stewart Udall, U.S. Secretary of the Interior under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. In 2000, a sundial known as the Millennium Monument was built for the New Year’s celebration. Many residents and tourists now gather each year to watch the first sunrise of the New Year.

While learning more about Point Udall, I also became aware that the westernmost point in the U.S, which is in Guam, is also named Point Udall. However, it is named in honor of Stuart’s brother, Morris Udall. Because the eastern and westernmost points are both Point Udall, it is said that “America’s day begins and ends at a Point Udall.”

If you are ever in St. Croix, make sure a visit to Point Udall is on your list. The views are incredible, and you won’t regret it.