August 19th, 2022
A New Challenge

If you’re stuck in a rut and looking to switch up your daily routine, try a monthly challenge. A monthly challenge can be anything you want to improve upon or accomplish within one month. According to an article from Healthline, it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become an automatic one.
Some ideas of monthly challenges can be:
- Waking up earlier than normal each day
- Starting an exercise routine
- Making your bed
- Eating breakfast (for those who don’t normally eat breakfast)
- Drinking the amount of water required for your body weight
- Not eating refined sugars
- Go to bed earlier
- Cook at home each day
- Quit a bad habit
- Less screen time
The beauty of this challenge is that you can get creative with it and have fun with it. Once you take one month to accomplish your first challenge, you can use it as motivation to accomplish your second or third challenge. September 1 is right around the corner and a great time to start a new challenge! What will your challenge be?