National Thank You Month

National Thank You Month
National Thank You Month

On The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon he does a segment called “Thank you Notes.” It’s a funny portion in the show where Jimmy Fallon takes time to pen thank you notes about random topics. For example, after Thanksgiving he penned a note to folding chairs, for establishing which family members are on the B List. Although Jimmy does it as a short comedy bit, thank you notes are important.

January is National Thank You month, so you too can take the time to give a thank you shout out.

It’s easy to forget that a simple thank you can go a long way. Studies show people who are grateful experience higher levels of emotions such as joy, love, happiness, and optimism. During National thank you month take the time send a short thank you note to those you might take for granted. I’d like to extend a thank you to all the brave men and women in our military, who fight daily for our freedoms.

Don’t let the month pass you by. Thank your local policeman, fireman, family member, even your neighborhood barista. The list is endless. Thank you can be an expression of gratitude by buying flowers, a cup of coffee, or simply done with words.