National Seat Belt Day

National Seat Belt Day
National Seat Belt Day

Today is National Seat Belt Day. This day was created to raise awareness and encourage people to wear seat belts.

It’s been over 60 years since the invention of the modern seat belt, and three-point seatbelts have now been a standard feature in cars for decades.

While many people think wearing a seat belt is a no-brainer and it’s second nature to buckle up, sadly, there are still a significant amount of people who either choose not to wear the seatbelt or forget to buckle up.

Statistics show roughly half of the individuals who die in motor vehicle collisions were not wearing a seat belt. Seat belts save lives, and National Seat Belt Day seeks to keep advancing that message.

While National Seat Belt Day is officially on Nov. 14, every day should be a seatbelt day. Children should be taught from their earliest age wearing seat belts is not only important, it is an absolute necessity. This can be accomplished by explaining that seat belts keep people safe while riding in a car. It can be shown when adults wear seat belts in front of children.

Do not operate the car until all occupants are buckled up. Remind children seat belts must be worn for the entirety of the ride and that it is no excuse to take their seat belts off to pick up an item that has been dropped, to grab something from a different area of the car, or to take off a coat or sweater. Accidents happen in an instant, and not having a seat belt on can be the difference between life and death.