National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

April 30 is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. The American Humane Society created Adopt a Dog Month back in 1981 to help raise awareness about dogs stuck in the shelter system. Not long after, pet owners decided there needed to be a day where every pet was celebrated and to help make people aware of the need and benefits of adopting. That is how National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day started!

This day is a reminder for people all over the nation to help an animal that is in a shelter. It also helps people learn more about what it means to adopt a pet and know how having a pet can help them live healthy, fit, and long lives.

You can celebrate National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day by doing some of the following:

  • Visit your nearest animal shelter. Most shelters are in need of items to help care for the animals, you could make a donation and stay to play!
  • Volunteer at a local shelter and help motivate more people to adopt.
  • Promote this special day on social media. This will help raise awareness and show people how fun it is to have a pet.

All of my dogs have come from local animal shelters. They are the most loving and appreciative dogs; I wouldn’t trade them for the world! Adopting a pet in need is the best feeling. Giving them a safe home and love they’ve never had before is so worth it.

Next time you are looking to add a pet to your family, consider adopting from your local animal shelter first!