‘My Thoughts on a Snowy Forecast’: A Rebuttal

‘My Thoughts on a Snowy Forecast’: A Rebuttal
‘My Thoughts on a Snowy Forecast’: A Rebuttal

Recently, Brandi Richards wrote a quasi-compelling blog regarding her love of the snow. As I sit in my office with my space heater on, the temperature outside sitting at a balmy -10, I would like to offer up this alternative.

I'm over it. Over the snow. Over the cold. Over the winter. Bring on the spring and better yet, let's daydream about pop-up thunderstorms and watering our lawns.

While waiting for snowbird to show up on the screen is indeed exciting, knowing that you are off every day in the summer is much more appealing to me. I'll take floating on my pontoon every day of the week over sled riding, and sun-kissed cheeks over wind-burned lips any time. Goodbye to dry skin and hello to a nice tan!

Is there really an argument here?

Snow is pretty for about five minutes. Then it turns to an ugly grey slush. It gets in your shoes and it freezes your windshield and your pipes. I'll take even the worst day in the summer over the best day in the winter.

I love it when the days get long and when heat lighting lights up the sky. I enjoy fireflies and backyard bonfires. Floating on the river and grilling on the back deck. Fireworks. Picnics. Jamboree in the Hills. Late nights at Kennywood. For heaven's sake...flip flops.

My fair complexion might indicate otherwise, but my soul was made for summer. Snowbird can stick it.

Like this post if you agree that winter can take a flying leap!