My Personal Experience with Scrub Daddy

My Personal Experience with Scrub Daddy
My Personal Experience with Scrub Daddy

I must admit, I love watching and reading reviews on cleaning products. I don’t typically try out most of them, but I took a shot on this one: Scrub Daddy.

First off, this sponge is in the shape of a smiley face, which is not only adorable but does serve a purpose in your cleaning routine. The eye holes make it ideal for holding with your fingers as well as slipping items such as sink handles through to clean more efficiently. The “smile” is great for cleaning eating utensils.

The dual-sided Scrub Daddy becomes firm in cold water for tougher scrubbing and soft in warm water for the lighter items. The sponge does stand out a bit for its ability to alternate between a heavy scrubber and a scratch-free sponge.

Since the Scrub Daddy’s appearance on Shark Tank in 2012, there has become a family of scrubbers introduced like “Scrub Mommy,” “Scrub Mommy Cat” and “Scrub Daddy Dog” shapes. I must also mention there are seasonal Scrub Daddy specials that come in winter shapes and Halloween editions.

All fun aside (and yes, I did use the word “fun” in a cleaning review), this is a powerful, scratch-free sponge that has many uses for cleaning your home. You can check out this little family here.