May is National Physical Fitness Month

May is National Physical Fitness Month
May is National Physical Fitness Month

As May is National Physical Fitness Month, I’d be remiss if I didn't take the time to reflect on what being physically fit has brought to my life. The list goes on and on. I personally make sure that six days a week, I go to the gym to lift weights followed by some cardio. I decided nearly two years ago to make this a part of my daily life during my first year of college. My decision was based on health. As a type 1 diabetic, I want to make sure I’m doing all in my power to manage my disease, making myself the healthiest, and happiest, version of myself possible. By taking full control in the gym (and kitchen, too!), I found every aspect of my life to get better.

First, my health improved significantly with the consistency of exercising, along with strict eating habits. This aspect alone has changed my life, as I can put more of my heart in everything that I do, rather than trying to constantly focus on feeling ill and remedying it. This doesn’t mean my health is perfect with fitness and diet, because it's not, as type 1 diabetes is a continuous battle that I fight daily. There are no breaks, but working out truly helps in the management of it.

The next aspect in which I saw improvement was my relationships. Even today, this continues. I have met so many people in the gym setting. It’s been great to have others in my life that have the self-motivation to better themselves. This helps me stay in line, too, not forgetting my goals in the gym or losing focus. This has helped relationships in other ways also, as I find myself motivating my close friends and family to go to the gym with me. The results are positive all around. Acting as someone’s motivation is an extremely humbling feeling. And having close family and friends do the same for me is also great.

Lastly, exercising has helped me with time management. It is imperative that I give at least an hour or two, six days a week to working out. By doing that, I have no choice but to make time. I still have to fulfill other responsibilities; this just adds one more responsibility, one that many others choose to not include in their lives. Although it is not easy at first, and saying “I just don't have time” is an acceptable excuse for most, getting in the habit of taking time to work on myself was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Regardless of how busy, I make the time. In addition to that, it is a huge stress reliever.

As summer approaches, I see that many people scramble, trying to shed a few pounds. If that applies to anyone reading this, I would say the best way to go about it is slow steps. Be patient with yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day. Make a routine that works for YOU – it doesn't have to be based on anyone but you.. and most importantly, stick to it. That will make the greatest difference in the long run! Happy National Physical Fitness Month, and remember, everyone starts somewhere.