Marshall County Meals on Wheels – Delivering good food and friendship to our community!

Marshall County Meals on Wheels – Delivering good food and friendship to our community!
Marshall County Meals on Wheels – Delivering good food and friendship to our community!

The Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons are among us. This is a wonderful time to reflect on everything we are thankful for and to remember those who are not as fortunate. As I think about all of my blessings, such as my family and friends, food and shelter, I realize that many people in our community don't have these things that I often take for granted. This reminded me of all the wonderful community services that are available to those who may need help.

I have the privilege of serving on the board of the Marshall County Meals on Wheels, one of the many fantastic programs our community offers to our citizens, so I thought I would share a little about the program and what it provides. The program offers one hot and one cold meal five days a week for a minimal cost. However, cost should not be a deterrent for those needing assistance. There is help available. Currently, the meals are delivered within the city limits of Moundsville, Glen Dale, McMechen and Benwood, and there has been discussion of expanding the area served in the future.

The Meals on Wheels in Marshall County started about 60 years ago. First it began operating out of the St. Francis Church and then later at the First Christian Church, where it resides today. Originally the program was associated with Lutheran Services, but last year we were forced to search for alternatives. Through the hard work of a lot of volunteers, Meals on Wheels continued and became its own organization. It is now known as the Marshall County Meals on Wheels. It is a 501(c)(3), receives no government funding and relies heavily on donations and volunteering from our community. We have two great employees, Karen Gast and Gloris Vanscyoc, who love what they do and work really hard to make Meals on Wheels a success. We also have approximately 17 volunteers in addition to our board members, who donate their time, effort and talents. Without them, none of this would be possible.

As important as a good, healthy meal is to our clients, the gift of time is just as important. While so many of our clients tell us how thankful they are for the good meals they receive, they are even more thankful for the time our volunteers spend just visiting and talking. Sometimes a good conversation is just what they need.

So during this time of year, please remember that there are so many great organizations in our community that provide services for those in need and I would encourage everyone to reach out to any of them and help by volunteering or by making a donation.

For more information about Marshall County Meals on Wheels, contact Karen Gast at 304-845-1750.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!