Low Impact Activities for National Senior Health and Fitness Day

Low Impact Activities for National Senior Health and Fitness Day
Low Impact Activities for National Senior Health and Fitness Day

National Senior Health and Fitness Day is on May 25, and there are ways you can celebrate with a group or by yourself. There are some events you can participate in at local parks, gyms, or you can celebrate with your own activities!

National Senior Health and Fitness Day, observed annually on the last Wednesday in May, is a nationwide celebration for health and wellness in older adults. Seniors benefit from exercise as it helps to reduce fall risks, increases confidence in independent living, creates community and eases anxiety and loneliness.

Exercise can be difficult on your joints and exacerbate pre-existing health conditions, but low-impact workouts can help combat these issues. Here are some low-impact activities you can do by yourself or with a group to celebrate National Senior Health and Fitness Day:

  • Hiking
  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Kayaking
  • Golf
  • Dancing
  • Gardening

Just a little bit of exercise can help your physical and mental well-being. We hope these activities get you started on this National Senior Health and Fitness Day!