Love Litigating Lawyers Day

Love Litigating Lawyers Day
Love Litigating Lawyers Day

Love Litigating Lawyers Day is an opportunity to show appreciation for the efforts of those that represent people in the field of law and, hopefully, begin changing the way people view lawyers overall.

Lawyers sometimes get a bad reputation, but, in reality, they’re just people like anyone else. I should know because I am one. And I’d like to think I’m a pretty good guy. I appreciate a good lawyer joke just as much as the next person, but I truly do have a sense of pride and accomplishment in what I do.

Most law students will tell you -- and I believe them -- they wanted to go to law school because they wanted to help people. We represent people in the face of the law, help defend those in need and handle all the minor disputes most people wouldn’t think about. I think that’s paramount in this profession.

I come from a long line of lawyers, but, oddly enough, I didn’t know I wanted to be a lawyer until about halfway through law school. While my great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were all West Virginia lawyers, I never felt the need to carry on the family tradition and was never pressured to do so. To be quite honest, like a lot of college students, I was nearing the end of my undergraduate degree at WVU in finance, and all I knew was I definitely didn’t want to go into that line of work.

So, I went to law school. I thought, hey, maybe I’ll join my dad’s practice. But he retired my first year in law school. I can only hope my own son follows that tradition, not because he’d be fifth-generation lawyer, but because I believe it’s a noble profession.  

I knew I enjoyed helping people, but never truly grasped the full magnitude of how bad people need help, which, unfortunately means getting a lawyer. I say that jokingly, of course. But there’s a lot of truth to it.

I know there’s so many professions which, by their nature, help people. Doctors, nurses, teachers and social workers are a few that come to mind. But I’m not smart enough to be a doctor; I don’t like bloody wounds enough to be a nurse; I don’t have the patience to be a teacher; and social workers are just a breed of their own (in a good way).  For me, helping people meant becoming a lawyer. And I truly believe I help people every day.

Every call from a prospective client presents a new and different way to help someone who has a real problem that needs a solution. I truly enjoy solving problems for those in need.  And I just happen to have fallen into a position in which I have the skill set to make a difference in a person’s life.

I am even more blessed to have been given the opportunity to work at Bordas & Bordas, where we have a well-rounded, talented, experienced group of attorneys and the staff and resources to truly give people in need the representation they deserve.

Love Litigating Lawyers Day specifically aims its appreciation at litigators, a subsect of lawyer that, well, litigates the law. Litigation law refers to rules and practices to help resolve disputes in court and is most often associated with tort (injury) cases.

Litigation, however, can be applied in all kinds of cases and a litigation attorney helps see through a lawsuit in the court process. We take your problem and we find a just solution. This is what we do at Bordas & Bordas. And through this process, we are heavily armed to carry out our mission: to Fight for Justice.