Live Appointment TV Watching

Live Appointment TV Watching
Live Appointment TV Watching

What’s more fun - binge watching shows or live watching? Before Game of Thrones, I’d have said binge watching is the way to go.

Sadly, Sunday night the wildly popular Game of Thrones came to an end. After 8 seasons the show wrapped up leaving a huge hole in my Sunday night TV routine. Like most, I was not satisfied with the ending of the show. But thanks to Game of Thrones I found the value in classic appointment TV. New-aged streaming services have made binge watching the new norm. Although I’m a huge fan of binge watching, I have found new joy of live TV. I have always tune in for live programming like the news or talk shows, but anything else I usually set aside to binge later. I have found watching a show live adds more to the experience. Live tweeting with other watchers or sharing your thoughts and opinions in a group chat with friends in real time, is way better than waiting for your friends to finish watching binge watching before you can discuss. Also, a show like Game of Thrones, which is insanely popular, waiting to watch later leaves the opportunity for spoiler to ruin the show for you. So, thank you Game of Thrones for ripping my heart out with the ending but more importantly bringing people together a group of people to see who would claim the Iron throne.