“A Little Means a Lot”

“A Little Means a Lot”
“A Little Means a Lot”

I recently joined the Board of Appalachian Outreach, Inc., a Christian-based non-profit organization whose mission is to help relieve the burden of poverty -- and disaster-stricken areas in the Ohio Valley. Its slogan is, “A Little Means a Lot.”  It’s a simple statement, but it means so much to so many people. The people that Appalachian Outreach serves have so little. We take for granted the basic necessities we do have and often overlook the fact that so many people can’t meet these basic needs.

Appalachian Outreach’s charitable relief and support is designed to meet those needs. It gathers and transports donated materials to poverty- and disaster-stricken areas all over West Virginia. The materials are then distributed by organizations, churches or individuals in the area. Items become available through donations from individuals, civic groups, churches and businesses. Appalachian Outreach collects any new or good, clean furniture, housewares, building supplies, beds/bedding and baby care items to take to areas of West Virginia where other charities do not exist or are too small to meet local needs. Items are also taken to disaster areas to assist those moving back into their homes. A contact person in each area keeps us informed of the needs and sees that the items delivered goes to those most in need. We have expanded our presence in 31 West Virginia counties and one in Kentucky.

Appalachian Outreach’s goal is to be a reflection of God’s love as we meet the basic needs of the communities. Recall from Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

As is the case for many non-profits, Appalachian Outreach has had a tough year with the pandemic. Fewer people are donating and, because of Covid precautions, we are no longer doing home pick-ups from people wishing to donate larger furniture and appliances. Appalachian Outreach depends on the generosity of its supporters to achieve its goals. You can help by participating in its projects, contributing to its fundraisers, becoming a sponsor, making donations or simply committing to pray for the organization. 

We’ve also had some exciting changes this past year. For those who don’t know, Appalachian Outreach has moved to a new location in Wheeling at the old Cooey Bentz furniture store. It has also opened up a store there called Hidden Treasures, which has a host of housewares, some furniture, collectables and clothing. There are also boxes of free items and a discount shelf for those in need.

I’m proud to work for Bordas & Bordas, which has been a longtime contributor to this cause. You can also make donations to help our mission by visiting the following link: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/113901

Remember that “A Little Means a Lot.”