Let’s Talk About (Tire) Inflation

Let’s Talk About (Tire) Inflation
Let’s Talk About (Tire) Inflation

It’s difficult to watch the news and not hear about our current economic woes centering around the word inflation. While you may not be able to influence global markets and prices yourself, there is a type of inflation that you can control that will benefit you economically, and even save you from potential injury and that is proper tire inflation on your vehicle.

Usually, your manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure can be found in one of a few different places. It may be printed on the sidewall of the tire, located on a sticker located inside one of the vehicle’s front doors, or even in the owner’s manual. You can also check out the manufacturer’s website if you’re still unsure.

Most modern vehicles come standard with built-in tire pressure sensors, but it never hurts to have a second opinion. Reliable tire pressure gauges can ordinarily be purchased for around $10-20 at an auto parts store and are easily stored inside your glove compartment.

So, what are the benefits to having your tires properly inflated? It turns out, there are quite a few. According to AAA, low tire pressures can lead to the following dangers on the roadway which can put you and your loved ones at a greater risk for an auto accident:

  • Increased Braking Distances
  • Less Responsive Steering and Handling
  • Increased Risk of Blowout

In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration claims that tires carrying less than 75% of recommended pressure cause three times more car accidents than tires with proper inflation.

In addition to safety, there is also the possibility that properly inflating your tires can benefit your checkbook as well. Properly inflated tires have less rolling friction, and according to the U.S. Department of Energy, can increase fuel economy from .6 to 3%.

While that may not sound like huge savings, with the current national average price of fuel at $3.61, a family purchasing 15 gallons of gasoline per week could see savings between $150 - $800 in a year. Proper inflation will also lead to less tread pattern wear and flexing of sidewalls which increases the overall life of the tire.

At Bordas & Bordas, we represent several unfortunate victims every year who have been killed or injured in auto accidents. In many of those instances, circumstances existed which could have prevented injury or even saved the life of a loved one. Please consider following this simple tip which can lead to a safer and more enjoyable experience on the road.