Law Day

Law Day
Law Day

Let’s celebrate Law Day! Every year, Law Day is held on May 1 to celebrate the law and how it impacts society. The main goal of Law Day is to open opportunities to create a deeper understanding of the legal system. This year’s theme is “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration”. The American Bar Association chose this theme to allow us to consider ways in which we can rebuild trust in our institutions, respect one another, and increase our willingness to collaborate to address the challenges that face our nation.

You may be thinking, “How do I celebrate Law Day?” There are plenty of ways to observe the day that do not require a law degree. To start, think of something you are passionate about. Chances are, there is a landmark case about it! Landmark cases are court cases that were taken to the Supreme Court and are historically significant as they have produced new legal principles that shape the laws of today. Some landmark cases that are prevalent in today’s society include: Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Miranda v. Arizona (1966) and Gideon v. Wainwright (1963). It is so important to learn the history of the law and to know your rights!

If you are more of a visual learner, don’t worry! The Administrative Office of the United States Courts allows volunteers to perform a scripted re-enactment of individual landmark cases. The volunteers are mostly made up of students to emphasize learning, collaboration, and civic engagement. Video footage of the re-enactments can be found through The Civic Education Project of the Federal Courts of the Second Circuit – Justice For All: Courts and the Community Initiative.

Happy Law Day from Bordas & Bordas!