Juul Lawsuits

Juul Lawsuits
Juul Lawsuits

Vaping is the newest trend in the tobacco industry. At first there may have been a notion that vaping was a safer alternative than outright smoking, but that notion was short lived. Research has demonstrated there is a growing connection between vaping and subsequent lung issues.

If you do not know what a Juul is, a Juul is a small vaping device that looks very similar to an ordinary flash drive that allows consumers to intake nicotine. JUULs have become very popular amongst teenagers and young adults as it is a nicotine product that offers a variety of flavors ranging from Mint to Mango to Fruit to Classic Tobacco to name a few.

Juul, the most recognizable vaping manufacturer, has been sued by school districts across the United States. These districts are seeing and attempting to combat a rise in Juul use throughout its school districts. Specifically, two of the school districts, the Olathe, Kansas school district and the St. Charles, Missouri school district, have claimed that Juul has acted in a gross negligent manner, is a public nuisance and has violated the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act.

The school districts across the country have cited hiring extra employees, installing smoke sensors, and banning flash drives, amongst other safeguards, in an attempt to eliminate the use of Juuls in its community.

Action against electronic cigarettes, such as Juul, have not been limited to school districts. Massachusetts has implemented a ban of all electronic cigarette products for a four-month time period. Additionally, other states, such as Michigan and Rhode Island, are attempting to control the sale of flavored electronic cigarettes.

While there are a number of complex issues that must be sorted out before a resolution can be reached, it seems that states and school districts across the country are being proactive to combat the use of Juuls amongst youths.