February 28th, 2019
“I’m Not the Suing Type”
The insurance industry and their corporate partners have spent a tremendous amount of money over the past two decades putting out propaganda to convince people that standing up for your own rights by seeking justice in a court of law makes you a bad person. If you file a lawsuit, you are bad. Many of my new clients who have been severely injured as a result of the misconduct of others, tell me when we meet for the first time, “Scott, I just want you to know, I am not the suing type.”
I ask these clients why they feel guilty when all they are doing is standing up to a bully. Usually the bully is an insurance company that refuses to treat them fairly and settle their claims so they don’t have to go see a lawyer. When I ask clients why they feel that standing up to a bully and standing up for their own rights makes them a bad person, they cannot answer the question. That is the whole reason behind the billions of dollars spent by the insurance industry to brainwash the public. People feel like they are being a bad person if they file a lawsuit when really all they are doing is standing up for their own rights and not letting the big bully insurance company trample their rights.
If you know someone who has had to file a lawsuit, you can be assured that the lawsuit was filed because the insurance company refused to do the right thing and settle the matter pre-suit. Don’t be fooled by propaganda. Hiring an attorney and filing suit against individuals and companies that have caused you harm, does not make you a bad person. It makes you a person that stands up to bullies and makes you a person not willing to see your rights trampled upon.