How to Pick the Best Type of Workout for You

How to Pick the Best Type of Workout for You
How to Pick the Best Type of Workout for You

Summer is a time when people seem to get the urge to get into shape. Maybe it is to feel better about how you look without the layers of clothing associated with winter or to be proud in your bathing suit during that rare vacation time from work. Whatever your reasoning, it can sometimes be difficult to choose what type of workout to start.

Burning fat, it turns out, is more complex than simply doing cardio.  You have to understand what types of movement tend to use fat as fuel and which tend to use carbs.  The big picture is this - muscle burns fat.  This means that the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn.  This is good because it means you don’t have to spend your evening running miles upon miles in the humid air and you don’t have to plant yourself on that stair stepper for hours on end.  Instead, combine resistance training with your cardio.

Resistance training can mean anything from lifting weights to yoga.  Many may choose to do bodyweight exercises that do not require a gym or equipment such as air squats and lunges or pushups and planks.  Exercise routines like these can be found online or on Pinterest and you can find quick routines that activated your muscles and help your muscles to become more toned.  If you combine this with some short cardio or interval workouts a couple days a week you will get yourself looking better than ever!

Something important to remember when trying to lose fat is your diet as well.  This does not mean you should cut out all your favorite foods or do an extreme diet, but if you are consistent with your workouts and practice moderation with your food you will find yourself with more energy and better mindset!  Good luck and happy summer!