Honduras 2015

Honduras 2015
Honduras 2015

Some members of my church family and I are returning to the small village of Maraita, Honduras this summer to continue our ministry to the people of the country. Through Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International (www.bmdmi.org), we will be providing medical care as well as eye examinations and administering medication. Last summer, we helped build a church and were able to attend the dedication service of the church.  This year, our team will be building the pastor’s house as well as doing some construction for the village (basketball hoops for the school, etc).  We have an early team leaving before the main group to teach in the church that we built last year. We will be teaching the local congregation as well as pastors from the surrounding area.

Two local physicians, E. Fritz Braunlich, M.D. and Kenneth Gainer, M.D., will be returning for their third time as well.  Dr. Gainer has also volunteered much of his time not only in the villages, but also at the Good Shepherd Children’s Home and the Emmanuel Orphanage there in Honduras.

We offer “Project Life.”  If we see a person who has a medical need that is beyond our scope of care, we pay for the transportation to a hospital, lodging, and all the medical care they need. Much of this care is provided by volunteer medical and surgery teams who staff the BMDMI Baptist Hospital in Guaimaca.

We also provide a clothing distribution.  Last year, we ran out of clothes really fast.  This year, we are doubling up on what we took last year.  If you would like to donate clothes, please send me a message!

But most importantly, everyone who enters our clinic hears the gospel!  The needs of the less fortunate people in the mountains of Honduras are overwhelming, but it is amazing to watch such a small team of people work together to share the love of God.  Thank you Rick Harris, team captain, for all your hard work in organizing and equipping our team.  I’m looking forward to another great opportunity to serve the Lord!