Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits

This fall, I’m spending a lot of time in my room on the computer.

My university has essentially moved all classes online and, honestly, I’ve found the transition difficult. There’s something about being in your room all day every day that starts to feel dull. Often, I find myself unmotivated, sluggish or just itching to get out and to do something. Recently, I’ve been working on building some healthy habits to promote better mental and physical health while spending hours and hours at my desk. Allow me to share a few:

  1. Exercise

Although exercise often gets overlooked for many, I’ve always found exercising really boosts my mood and productivity. Not only that, but exercise can reduce the risk of disease and maintain your bones, muscles and joints. Making exercise a daily or weekly habit can really boost your overall health. Remember, this does not have to be strenuous runs or lifting weights. Daily exercise can be as simple as taking a walk during lunch, doing push-ups and sit ups or going for a bike ride. Whatever it is, making it a habit will only be beneficial to your overall health.

  1. Morning Routine

Self-care is important. Having a morning routine helps keep good hygiene and get your day started off right. Personally, I like to get a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed and make breakfast as soon as the alarm goes off. Others might like to do things in a different order. Don’t forget to include breakfast in your routine though. It’s important for boosting metabolism and energy levels while preventing overeating later in the day. I’ve also found having a morning routine helps get me out of bed faster and prevents me from rushing to get ready after sleeping in too late. I don’t know about you, but I always feel most productive in the morning hours, especially after getting a good start to my day.

  1. Sleep

Sleep is vital to our cognitive functioning as humans. It helps restore our body and recharge our brains. There are countless studies that outline and describe the benefits of sleep. Try to get in the range of seven to nine hours of sleep each night for optimal functioning. I personally feel exhausted without eight hours of sleep. I know this isn’t always ideal for many people. Attempting to go to sleep at a time that allows you to be well-rested, though, will definitely improve your overall mental and physical well-being.

  1. Drinking Water

When you’re cooped up in the house all day, it can be easy to forget to hydrate. As you probably can figure out, drinking water consistently is the best way to stay hydrated. Every system in your body requires water, and replenishing your supply helps you feel more alert, improves brain function, prevents headaches and more. Typically, I fill up my 32-ounce water bottle each morning and keep it with me throughout the day. I usually try to drink 2 of these in a day to keep hydrated. Find a method that works for you that keeps you well-hydrated throughout your day.

Overall, staying healthy is very important, especially in times where it’s easy to fall into bad habits. Try to build these healthy habits, one bit at a time, and hopefully you’ll see the results. You’ll feel happier and healthier.