

My grandchildren are all about Halloween. Costume planning starts around when school starts and changes at least 10 times before Halloween – at least! For the 4-year-old, who is the most excited, it has gone from SpongeBob to Jason to Chucky to a police officer and on and on. Right now it’s a police officer and I was put in jail last night for not telling him there was a piece of fake cobweb (from Halloween decorations) on his leg. In other words, any excuse to play police officer. My 10-year-old granddaughter always has to be fashionably scary so there is lots of makeup and glitter with whatever she decides. The 9-year-old is just all about trick or treating for candy and doesn’t really care what his costume is.

The other Halloween excitement/tradition is watching Halloween movies. Our top 10 movies that we have seen at least 10 times each and will probably watch many more times before Halloween this year are:

1.      Halloweentown – and the 3 sequels

2.      Hocus Pocus (and now the begging begins to see Hocus Pocus 2 in the theater)

3.      The Dog Who Saved Halloween

4.      The Nightmare Before Christmas

5.      Spookley the Square Pumpkin

6.      Casper

7.      Goosebumps

8.      Coco

9.      Monster House

10.    It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Happy Halloween month, everyone!