June 11th, 2019
A Great Night of Baseball
I would like to extend a big thank you to the Washington Wild Things for a great night of baseball. Last Friday was “Friday Night Lights Presented by Bordas & Bordas” at Wild Things Park. It was a fantastic night of baseball. I would like to extend particular thanks to Stu Williams and his whole family for hosting us and making us feel welcome. The weather was perfect. The stands were filled with families enjoying the game. Mascots were everywhere, including Justice the Legal Beagle, Spike of the Wheeling Nailers, and, of course, the Wild Thing itself! The food was fantastic and the fireworks after the game are some of the best around.
Over the years, I’ve taken my family to dozens of Wild Things games and we’ve always had a great time. Minor league baseball is a great way to experience the game. There’s no traffic. The ticket prices and concessions are very reasonable, and you can get your kids right down by the action. Of course, I don’t mind admitting my biases when it comes to minor league baseball. In fact, when I’m traveling for my cases, I try to make a point of stopping by to check out the local team. Many of our experts and witnesses come from different cities and towns around the country. When I have witnesses in Columbus, Ohio, I’ll try to catch a few innings of the Columbus Clippers in their beautiful downtown ballpark. I’ve worked with an excellent medical billing expert in Ashville, North Carolina, home of the Ashville Tourists. One of my favorite clients lives just a few miles down the road from the Hagerstown Suns in Hagerstown, Maryland. Anytime I’m in Charleston, WV for work, I’ll stop in to visit the West Virginia Power. I have a worksite safety expert who lives in Toledo, Ohio, the home of the Toledo Mud Hens. After taking the deposition of a defense expert witness at Duke Medical Center, I watched it rain on the field of the Durham Bulls. Checking out these teams, even if it’s just for a few innings and a hot dog, provides a break from stresses of travel and helps me focus on the work I’m doing for my clients.
So, I can speak from experience when I say that the Wild Things, their team, their staff, and their stadium rank right up there when it comes to providing a great baseball experience. Stop by and visit the next time they are in town.