Getting to Know Your Attorney – Bordas Beats

Getting to Know Your Attorney – Bordas Beats
Getting to Know Your Attorney – Bordas Beats

Whether we like it or not – it is a well-known fact that the legal profession generally does not have a great reputation among the public. A quick google search will turn up hundreds of “lawyer jokes” that can be used at any time. When we think about why lawyers get such a bad rep there are a multitude of reasons. For example, lawyers defend the guilty, they often take on careers as politicians, and further, they are required to “cross-examine” witnesses which is often portrayed on tv as a public humiliation of some sort. However, one other reason that is not so often thought of, is the fact that many people generally do not get to know their lawyers and think of them only in their lawyer persona.

In all fairness, trying to get to know your attorney may seem like an intimidating thought. Lawyers are generally busy individuals who usually attempt to get down to the facts when discussing your representation. However, behind the business attire and the serious manner in which lawyers discuss your matter, we are regular people just like you with interests and activities outside of the law. Here at Bordas & Bordas, all of our attorneys have different backgrounds and are involved in various groups outside of the office. What I’ve come to find is that allowing my clients to know a little bit about my personal background and interests helps them relate and further, encourages them to be more open and honest with me which in turn aids with my legal advocacy of them.

One way our firm here at Bordas & Bordas has allowed the public to get to know our team members, both attorneys and staff alike, is through our Bordas Beats videos that are posted to Facebook every Monday. These videos are quick interviews of Bordas & Bordas employees that give you a quick peek into the interests of our team. For example, do we prefer the summer or winter, pizza or pasta, country or rock? A view of these videos will let you get to better know us and our lives outside of the firm and hopefully, will help relieve any concerns about your inability to relate or talk to an attorney.