Getting Back Together With Your Cousins

Getting Back Together With Your Cousins
Getting Back Together With Your Cousins

One weekend before Thanksgiving a few of my cousins came to Seven Springs to have “Cousinsgiving.”

When we were kids, we spent the better part of every holiday at our house or one of my cousins’ houses. We all got older, married, had kids (many that participated in sports) and, as we like to say, “life got in the way” of getting together.

This year, though, my cousin Kim and I said we’d try to get the cousins together for what we are now calling “Cousinsgiving.” Everyone was welcome. There was a small turnout, but we had a wonderful time, laughing, catching up and making plans for the next one. Holidays are just not the same without your family -- especially without your cousins who, when growing up, were more like siblings. Looking back, we had the best times of our lives during the holidays.

Making plans with your cousins, their children, and anyone from the families interested are a great way to have a barrel of laughs talking about the past and making new memories. Thanks to our parents, we all had a wonderful childhood with our cousins. Kim and I want to carry this on. We may not be able to get all together all at once, but we are going to give it the old cousins try!

Enjoy your family get-togethers when you can make them. Try to stay connected better. And, most important, tell those in your family you LOVE them. Life goes by way too quick. Make the memories and worry less about the things that really do not matter. 

Here is to our next cousins gathering. Looking forward to seeing y’all soon!