Gardening Tips

Gardening Tips
Gardening Tips

Now that spring is finally here, it’s time to get outside and spruce everything up after what felt like a long winter.

We can finally power wash the porches, get our outdoor furniture out, doctor up the landscape and plant some fresh grass seed. Many people look forward to this time because it’s also gardening season. Who doesn’t enjoy planting delicious and fresh vegetables?

Well, the following are a few tips to keep in mind when preparing your garden:

  • Choose an area in your yard -- if you don’t already have one staked out -- and prepare the land with a rake or a rototiller to break up the ground and get to the fresh soil.
  • Decide on which crops you want to grow and sketch a plan of when and where to plant them in the garden.
  • Consider making a fence out of materials you have at home to protect your plants from the neighbors’ animals or the pesky rabbits and deer that just can’t resist!
  • Use mulch or grass clippings to spread across your garden to help prevent weeds from taking over.
  • Make sure your garden is getting enough water. Make a plan of when to water it and how often.

Gardening is a fun hobby for the spring and summer months. It’s also a very healthy activity for you and your family – and it helps save money on your grocery trip!

There is no set way you have to plant your garden, so have fun and make it your own!