Follow Up Care after your Automobile Accident

Follow Up Care after your Automobile Accident
Follow Up Care after your Automobile Accident

If you’re involved in an automobile collision, it’s likely you’ll sustain some type of injury. That injury can be minimal, i.e., soreness for a few days, or very serious, requiring hospitalization or lengthy treatment. Regardless of the level of injury sustained, however, it’s imperative you get checked out by a doctor if your body is feeling out of sorts after a collision. In many instances, individuals try to treat themselves at home by taking Advil or ibuprofen and using a heating pad or ice pack. While it doesn’t hurt to try and take mitigation efforts to ease your pain, it’s always a good idea to see a doctor after a collision to ensure there isn’t something more serious going on.  A number of times individuals will not feel the onset of symptoms after a collision until two or three days later. If you are one of these individuals, it is advisable to seek treatment at your local emergency room or to make an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible so you can be evaluated.

It’s also advisable to keep a journal or some other type of note taking system to keep track of your symptoms following a collision. All too often we go to the doctor’s office with a list of concerns we plan to address with the doctor, but, once the conversation gets started, we forget to mention an issue that’s been bothering us. Additionally, keeping track of your symptoms is helpful because your doctor may have questions about 1) when the pain started; 2) the level of pain you have been experiencing; and 3) the degree of pain in the morning compared to at night. If you have a record of your symptoms, you will be able to easily answer these questions -- which in turn allows you to assist with your own treatment.

In addition to seeking treatment after a collision and keeping track of your symptoms, it is also important you listen to your health care providers regarding future treatment needed to treat your symptoms and then to finish the treatment prescribed to you. While you may start to feel better halfway through your chiropractic treatment or physical therapy, for example, it’s important to finish because your pain and other symptoms may start to reappear.

In sum, your medical providers know what’s best for you regarding treatment needed to address your injuries sustained in an automobile collision. Be sure to listen to both your body and your doctor -- and seek treatment when necessary.