June 8th, 2022
Firework Safety
Summertime brings backyard barbeques, family gatherings and summer holiday parties. For many of us, these events include the lighting of bottle rockets, sparklers and firecrackers. While fireworks can be fun and enjoyable, they can also cause serious injury and even death if not handled safely. In 2020, approximately 15,600 people were treated for firework-related injuries. Eighteen people were tragically killed in firework-related incidents. The hands, fingers and eyes are the most injured body parts with burns being the most common injury.
There are several tips you can follow to celebrate safely if you are going to use fireworks.
- Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings before lighting.
- Never allow young children to play or ignite fireworks.
- Only use fireworks outdoors and ensure there is sufficient distance between the device, yourself, other people and buildings.
- Light fireworks one at a time and quickly move away from the device.
- Never point or throw a firework toward anyone.
- Never try to pick up or relight a firework that fails to activate.
- Keep a garden hose, bucket of water or fire extinguisher close in the event of a fire or malfunctioning firework.
- Never use fireworks while impaired by drugs or alcohol.
- Make sure fireworks are legal in your area and that the type of fireworks you are intending to use is permitted by local law.