Fire Safety

Fire Safety
Fire Safety

October is National Fire Prevention Month. This year, October 3 – 9 was National Fire Prevention Week. Fire prevention is always important, but statistics show that more fires occur in the winter months. This is because the weather is cooler, and several houses are turning on the heat to keep their homes warm. Additional causes of fires include kitchen appliances, candles, unattended cigarettes/children playing with lighters or matches.

When it comes to keeping homes and loved ones safe, here are a few steps to take to prevent a fire and ways to be prepared if there is a fire.

  1. Check smoke detectors once a month. Replace the batteries annually.
  2. Do not leave hot appliances or burning candles unattended.
  3. Blow out candles, unplug hair straighteners or anything that could start a fire before leaving your home.
  4. Keep a fire extinguisher in your home and make sure it is not expired.
  5. Have a family escape plan if there is a fire. Practice fire drills and determine a place for everyone to meet safely outside of the home.

Lastly, do not try to save items before exiting a house fire. Items can be replaced, lives cannot. Consider keeping important or valuable documents in a fireproof box that can be recovered later.

Learn more about fire safety on the National Fire Protection Association website. Stay safe!