Figuring Our Your Fitness Formula

Figuring Our Your Fitness Formula
Figuring Our Your Fitness Formula

With the start of a new year comes resolutions – things like eating healthier, stopping smoking and the ever-so-famous beginning an exercise program. The gym is packed this time of year. If you’ve opted for the latter, figuring out your formula for success is key.

When I began my fitness routine a few years ago, one of the questions in my mind was what is the best time of day to exercise to maximize results? According to an article on, there’s not a one size fits all answer. The article states that there’s no evidence that shows there is a universal best time to train and that it all comes down to the individual. One of the trainers interviewed said, “the best time to work out is the time you can stick to. The time you know you can make it to the gym without making excuses, without having to cancel and without being too tired to perform at your best.”

According to MSN, there are advantages to working out in the morning such as avoiding an interrupted routine because of a late night in the office, evening plans and weakening willpower. However, some prefer evening exercise because you have a longer duration during the day to fuel your body for a tougher workout and it can be a great way to relieve some stress after a busy day in the office.

In addition to determining when you want to train, you will also need to determine how you want to train. Some prefer weights, while others are into activities like yoga and barre. Depending on your goals, a fitness professional can help you determine what approach is best for you as an individual.

I typically exercise in the evening – weights and cardio. Working out with a trainer or a buddy helps me stay on track because I know another person has set aside time for me. Yes, there are days when I am tired and not motivated, but I push through and I am always pleased, post-workout, that I had done so.

There’s no doubt that a fitness routine is a commitment, but it is an investment in you…a healthier you. So figure out your fitness formula and hit the gym (but don’t forget to consult with your physician first). You’ll be glad you did!