Easter Sunday Celebration

Easter Sunday Celebration
Easter Sunday Celebration

Of course, church is first on our list of Easter activities. Before the kids were born, we always attended sunrise services. In my hometown, it would be held on a hilltop, and it was so beautiful and heartwarming watching the sunrise while giving praise to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and celebrating his rising from the grave.

When we return home from church, it is a footrace to find Easter baskets that had been hidden by the Easter Bunny. Weather permitting, there will also be an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.

While everyone is busy with all that, I am in the kitchen preparing brunch for everyone which usually includes the traditional ham, homemade rolls, noodles, candied sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. Of course, it’s candy from the baskets for dessert. 

In the evening when everything quiets down, we find an inspirational movie that the whole family can enjoy and reflect on the day and the true meaning of Easter – the resurrection of Jesus.

Happy Easter everyone!