April 22nd, 2021
Earth Day
April 22 is Earth Day. It’s a time to show support for environmental protection and well-being. Often, the importance of keeping our planet clean is overlooked. Taking the time at each opportunity to either pick up some loose trash in your neighborhood or even plant a tree can make a huge positive impact on the environment.
The purpose of Earth Day is to provide a yearly reminder of the importance of protecting the earth and encourage others to take steps to better their respective communities. The primary focuses of Earth Day are on climate action, conservation, science, education, restoration, pollution and bringing communities together to take coordinated steps to protect the environment. Simply put, Earth Day is a day to come together and take concerted action to make our communities and environments cleaner, healthier and safer.
The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, and primarily was focused on the United States. The idea for the first Earth Day stemmed from Sen. Gaylord Nelson (WI) who had concerns about the diminishing environment in the United States. With the help of others, Sen. Nelson was able to turn a concern about the environment into a globally recognized day regarding the importance of a healthy planet. Although the original idea for Earth Day started with Sen. Nelson, the Earth Day we experience today would not be possible without the millions of other environmental advocates that aim to take positive steps to protect our environment. Now, Earth Day has expanded outside of the United States borders and events take place all over the world.
Have you taken any action to support Earth Day? Any contribution, no matter if it is large or small, can make an everlasting impact on our planet. For instance, just taking an afternoon to go through your neighborhood to pick up trash is a simple task that will help protect the earth. Also, planting a tree or starting a garden with your family and friends is a great way to contribute to the well-being of the environment. There are many tasks you can participate in to do your part to protect the earth.
Have a Happy Earth Day!