June 5th, 2015
The Drive to the Beach
We all look forward to our summer vacations every year, whether it is taking a trip to visit out-of-town relatives, going to the beach or just hanging out and relaxing at home. If you are taking a long trip, you may dread the ride there and the ride back, especially if you have kids in the car with you.
A few summers ago, my family and I took a trip to Myrtle Beach and spent 11 hours in the car. It wasn’t so bad going down mostly because my son and I slept most of the way. When we finally pulled up to the resort we were staying at and saw the waves of the ocean, I knew that the hours my husband had just driven were the furthest thing from his mind.
Time sure does fly when you are away from home, your job and your responsibilities. Before we knew it seven days had flown right by and it was time to get back in that car for 11 hours. This time we were driving in the daytime, so my son and I would most likely be awake for the majority of the ride home. Needless to say, the car ride was not idyllic. We were cramped and starting to get on each other’s nerves after only two hours. But once I started to see the hills of West Virginia I knew I was getting close to my home. It was wonderful to get away from reality for a week and sit on the beach, but there really is no place like home.