Don’t Throw Away All That Leftover Turkey

Don’t Throw Away All That Leftover Turkey
Don’t Throw Away All That Leftover Turkey

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reflect on everything we are thankful for and to spend time with our loved ones. However, it’s also a time to eat some really great food.

Many families gather around the table and enjoy all kinds of delicious foods. However, one of the most popular foods you are likely to see on Thanksgiving Day is turkey. And like many families, you’ll probably have so much leftover turkey you won’t know what to do with it all.

Well, rather than throw it out, I thought it would be great to share some ideas of what to do with all that leftover turkey. Here are just a few ideas you might try, so it doesn’t go to waste:

  1. Turkey Pot Pie
  2. Turkey Chili
  3. Turkey Hash
  4. Turkey Sandwich
  5. Turkey Noodle Soup
  6. Turkey Casserole
  7. Turkey Nachos
  8. Turkey Enchiladas
  9. Turkey and Dumplings
  10. Turkey Tacos
  11. Hot Turkey Sandwich with Gravy

So, when you open that refrigerator after Thanksgiving and see all that leftover turkey, don’t throw it out. Just try some of these great ideas and enjoy.