Documenting Your Injuries Following a Motor Vehicle Crash

Documenting Your Injuries Following a Motor Vehicle Crash
Documenting Your Injuries Following a Motor Vehicle Crash

Being involved in a motor vehicle crash can affect your life both physically and mentally.  The time after the crash can be very hectic and stressful, but first and foremost it is extremely important that you first seek any medical treatment that you need.  After seeking your initial treatment, it is also important that you document your injuries.  Doing both of these things helps to ensure your best chance of recovery and compensation for a possible personal injury claim.  Many times insurance companies will require proof of the extent of your injuries and that the injuries were directly caused by the crash.  Hopefully, you will never have to experience a motor vehicle crash.  However, if you do and you suffer injuries, here are some very important tips for documenting your injuries following a crash:

  1. Seek medical attention immediately;
  2. Follow your doctor’s orders for treatment (attend all appointments, follow-up with all additional treatment and recommendations);
  3. Ask your treating physician or healthcare provider for a copy of your medical records pertaining to the medical care you received for your injuries as a result of the crash;
  4. Create and organize a medical file with information such as treatment reports, medical bills, test results, imaging results, etc….;
  5. Take photographs of your injuries (even minor ones) and make sure to date them;
  6. Take photographs of the scene and anything that may indicate how you received your injuries (the vehicles, the road conditions, etc….);
  7. Document any witness information (name, address, phone number, email, etc….) and any statement as to their account of the crash; and
  8. Keep a daily journal of how you are feeling and what activities you can no longer participate in due to your injuries (continue this throughout your treatment until hopefully recovery).

Following a motor vehicle crash, you may find yourself overwhelmed with what to do next and how to proceed.  The whole process may seem very difficult to navigate.  Law firms, like ours, can help you through the process, and assist you in gathering this information.     

Hopefully you never find yourself in this situation, but if you do, these tips can help to maximize any potential recovery and claim.