November 22nd, 2018
Count Your Blessings and Give Thanks

It is so easy sometimes to talk about negative things, challenges, and hardships in our lives that we forget to count our blessings. Most of us have many blessings each day that we simply take for granted. Some of these include waking up, having a bed, having water, having something to eat, having clean clothes, having a toothbrush, and having somewhere to live. I have not yet even mentioned things like having a family, a car, or a job. And these are just our things!
Many of us also have people to love and people who love us. We have parents, children, spouses, siblings, cousins, and friends. And most of all, we have God. How many times do we just stop and thank God for being there for us?
So, the next time you are having a bad week, a bad day, or even just a bad moment, take a few minutes and grab a piece of paper. Start writing down your blessings. You just might be surprised at how they outnumber the challenges in your life. It will almost surely make you feel like things aren’t quite as bad as you thought they were. Sometimes we need to literally count our blessings and then, give thanks!