Communication is Key

Communication is Key
Communication is Key

Communication is key. Communication with your lawyer is no less important. In fact, communicating with your attorney on a regular basis is often helpful in moving your claim forward. In today’s world, communication has become easier than it has ever been. With cell phones, most of us can be reached at a moment’s notice. Thus, it is important when your attorney’s office calls you that you make note to get back to your attorney in a timely manner.

Communication with your attorney is crucial on a number of different levels. First off, being in contact with your attorney regularly allows your attorney to be updated on your situation. A legal matter is often very fluid and circumstances change based on new information. If you do not keep in contact with your attorney or if your attorney cannot reach you, it makes it more difficult for your attorney to understand your current status. For instance, if you are constantly seeking medical treatment from a variety of providers and you do not inform your attorney, it makes it difficult for your attorney and his or her staff to locate the information.

Further, communication is important with your attorney as it will allow your attorney to understand how you are progressing during a situation. Communicating with your attorney helps your attorney have a complete picture of how you are feeling, the struggles you may be facing and how your injuries may impact you in the future. With this information as well as other pertinent information, your attorney can better advocate on your behalf.

Moreover, honest communication with your attorney is key in your relationship with your attorney. You hired your lawyer to represent you. Thus, you need to be upfront and honest with your attorney from the start and provide all the information relevant to your issue regardless if that information is good or bad. Having all the information, good or bad, allows your attorney to advise you properly on your choices of action. Additionally, withholding information from your attorney that you think is bad or unimportant can end up hurting your claim, as your attorney may have a different opinion on how that information comes into play in your matter.

Lastly, sometimes when you call your attorney’s office, he or she may not be available to take your call at that moment. With that said, law offices often have experienced staff members who are more than capable to take down the information you have and pass it along to the attorney. Thus, if you have an update and your attorney is unavailable, providing that information to his or her staff member can help expedite your matter and you can trust your information is getting to the attorney.

Remember, your attorney wants to best advocate on your behalf. Providing your attorney with updates and relevant information is important in helping your attorney effectively present your claim. Indeed, being available and communicating with your attorney can go a long way in helping your claim come to a resolution.