A Christmas Wish For Unity

A Christmas Wish For Unity
A Christmas Wish For Unity

This time of year, more than ever, I think about our communities and those in need. Do they have what they need? How can our family be a small blessing to our communities? Perhaps this reflection stems from my favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. I always think of the final scene - with George Bailey (as proxy for the community of Bedford Falls) on the brink of losing everything, and his community members stepping up and giving selflessly because that is what communities do: work together to ensure its members have what they need to survive, even if it means self-sacrifice. 

We need that spirit more than ever these days – in a country fueled by division largely driven by institutions profiting handsomely from it in one way or another. We need that spirit for our essential workers. We need it for those struggling to make ends meet due to the devastating economic losses occasioned by this virus. We need it to combat the frenzied hysteria being fed to us by the national and social media echo chambers.

Help this season does not have to come in the form of monetary support. At this point, patience, kindness and a focus on humanitarianism can be just as valuable. So, my Christmas wish this season is that we can all take a few moments to pay mind to our communities and all the wonderful people who’ve made them stable, safe, and enjoyable places to live. In a time when it can feel that our country, like George Bailey, is on the brink, let’s be those citizens of Bedford Falls this season and look out for one another. Merry Christmas to all!