Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions
Christmas Traditions

What kind of Christmas traditions do you have? Do you have a real tree or an artificial one? 

I realize much around the holidays is centered on baking. And we do so much baking. I love making cookies and having my girls help. Of course, one of the best parts is having to taste test everything after you bake it. We make nut rolls, peanut butter blossoms, sugar cookies and so much more.

Yet last year we got our first real tree and loved it. I had never had a real tree growing up, but my husband did. He finally caved and said we could get a real one and now I think we will from now on.

Having that fresh pine smell was so nice and refreshing. Having to sweep up the needles almost every day, though, was a chore and a half. But, hey, it’s only once a year.

Also, I always remember my grandparents coming down on Christmas morning and watching us open our gifts. My parents have since carried on that tradition of visiting first thing in the morning when my girls get up. This year, however, it’s going to be very different since my dad won’t be here. It’s been so hard knowing he won’t get to be there and watch my girls open their gifts, but I know he’s watching over us all.

Another tradition we have is getting in the car and just driving around town to see all the different lights and decorations. We turn on the Christmas station and listening to the music. 

I hope everyone truly appreciates everything they have and remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. It’s not just about getting or giving gifts. 

Merry Christmas!