Celebrating Mom this Weekend

Celebrating Mom this Weekend
Celebrating Mom this Weekend

Another year has rolled around and it will be Mother’s Day on May 10.

It’s sad considering the current pandemic situation we find ourselves in, this year’s celebration will be a little different. There will be no face-to-face meetings. There will be no warm hugs. Nonetheless, it’s certainly a day worth celebrating.

I’m so grateful I still have my mom. She will be 85 on May 22, a huge milestone in my book. I’ve been blessed to have her for so many years and, God willing, many more years to come.

When I was little, I didn’t appreciate my mother as I do now because she was one tough lady. She was hard on all of us kids. But she’s a tremendously strong woman who raised strong children.

She gave me the training and led by example on how to be a strong woman and also how to be a tough mother. None of my children have a criminal record -- and I have her to thank for that!

So, mom, here’s to you on your day! I am truly grateful for everything you’ve done for me.

I’ll bring you your gift and talk to you through the door for a while so I can at least see you and let you know I love you more than words can express.

I’ll miss the hug and face-to-face visit, but giving up those this year is a small price to pay to keep you safe and celebrate with you again next year.