Bullying Awareness and Prevention

Bullying Awareness and Prevention
Bullying Awareness and Prevention

Attending school is a fundamental experience for children in our country. It provides them with the tools they will need to succeed academically, professionally, and socially. There are many memories to be made of completing class projects, participation in clubs and sports, and building lasting relationships with friends and teachers. Unfortunately, for a number of children, when bullying arises, school can also become an experience that children dread, and even fear.

Not only does being a victim of bullying and aggressive behavior make daily attendance at school and participation in activities very unpleasant for a child, bullying can also have lasting, traumatic effects. Psychological studies on children who were bullied indicates that these children may exhibit signs of traumatic stress, may become withdrawn and disinterested in things they once enjoyed, may experience flashbacks of bullying incidents, and may even begin to act out aggressively themselves.

Bullying also affects the general environment of a school or organization and other children attending. Many children observe bullying behavior and feel badly for the victim, but are scared to become a victim themselves or are unsure of their options for trying to help, and decline to stand up for the victims or address it with the aggressor. This can be interpreted by the victim, and other bystanders, as a sign of support for the bully, which can create further division and isolation between classmates or teammates.

Recent years have brought much more attention to bullying and have addressed the serious concerns that it poses. Stopbully.gov sets forth information on what constitutes bullying, how to identify the warning signs of bullying, and ways that a person can safely and effectively prevent and intervene against bullying. Many schools have taken initiatives to enact rules and policies to help prevent bullying and educate students about the resources that are available to report and address bullying of themselves or others.

Bordas & Bordas has been a strong and vocal supporter of these types of anti-bullying initiatives for many years. Each year, Bordas & Bordas seeks nomination of graduating seniors from local high schools who have been good representatives of speaking out against bullying and being a role model for other students and awards the Bordas & Bordas Anti-Bullying Fighting for Justice Award to students from numerous high schools. The award includes a $500 cash award. Nominations for 2022 are currently being sought, and you can get more information about the award and how to nominate a deserving local student by visiting the Bordas & Bordas website or at the Bordas & Bordas Facebook page.