Boston Strong on Patriots’ Day

Boston Strong on Patriots’ Day
Boston Strong on Patriots’ Day

On April 21 Boston, Massachusetts hosted the 2014 Boston Marathon, a year removed from the tragedy of last year's senseless bombing. The Boston Marathon, which is the oldest continually run marathon in the world, is held every year on Patriots' Day, which helps to commemorate the bravery and strength of the first Patriots who stood up to King George at Lexington and Concord in 1775. The bravery, strength and resilience of those directly affected by the bombings last year help to remind me that the qualities possessed by those first Patriots are alive and well today throughout our great country.

Americans don't run from danger. When those bombs went off in the crowds last year many of the participants in the race ran toward the sounds of the explosions to see what they could do to help the wounded.

Americans don't hide in fear from terrorists. Despite the actions of a few evil individuals, we rally together as Americans to let those sick and twisted individuals know that there is nothing that they can do to break our spirit or stop us from celebrating the freedoms that we have. Our stadiums and parks are full of families boston marathon.jpgenjoying their time together and I was proud to see that this year's Boston Marathon enjoyed record attendance.

Americans don't forget. There is nothing that we could say or do to truly heal the families of the people who died in those explosions and we should keep those families in our thoughts and prayers this week just as we celebrate the resiliency of the community around them and its willingness to retake that finish line for all of the positive things that the Marathon represents.

While the events of last year have a special meaning for people who live around Boston, we should remember that Patriots' Day is not just a Boston holiday. It celebrates the birth of our nation and symbolizes the fact that then, as is true now, we are and always will be ready and willing to stand up for freedom and against terror and tyranny.

Happy Patriots' Day.