Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Wraps up Sterling, Blasts the VA Scandal and Covers Snowden and NSA Surveillance

Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Wraps up Sterling, Blasts the VA Scandal and Covers Snowden and NSA Surveillance
Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Wraps up Sterling, Blasts the VA Scandal and Covers Snowden and NSA Surveillance

This week's packed episode of the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review hits a number of topics, including the unfolding Donald Sterling situation, the scandalous treatment of our veterans at VA hospitals and Edward Snowden's explosive NBC interview. The scope and depth of treatment the issues receive on the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review is comprehensive and a cure for the sound-bite focused drive-by media. Check it out today!

You can view the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review locally on Comcast Channel 14 or also online, both streaming and in the archive. The current episode is embedded within this post.

Click here to view the program on vimeo, or watch the embedded version if your browser supports it. Click this link to see the WLUTV schedule so you can view a live-stream of WLUTV and check this page for a schedule of when the program airs.