Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Takes on College Athlete Unions and Campaign Finance Rulings in the Supreme Court of the United States

Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Takes on College Athlete Unions and Campaign Finance Rulings in the Supreme Court of the United States
Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Takes on College Athlete Unions and Campaign Finance Rulings in the Supreme Court of the United States

Tune in to this week's informative edition of the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review when our host, Jamie Bordas, and his guest, Chris Regan, discuss the Supreme Court of the United States' recent McCutcheon decision that declared unconstitutional the aggregate limits on campaign contributions that have existed as a matter of federal law for decades. Jamie and Chris also analyze the Northwestern football player union drive and the implications it will have for the law, and college sports in general, if it continues to be successful.

You can view the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review locally on Comcast Channel 14 or also online, both streaming and in the archive. The current episode is embedded within this post.

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