Beat the Heat with Summer Fun

Beat the Heat with Summer Fun
Beat the Heat with Summer Fun

Anyone who knows me, knows they will not hear me complain about the heat.  There are no secrets here – I do not like the cold weather.  Ever.

Growing up in the northeast, I never understood why people would go in out of the warm summer sun.  The hotter the better in my mind.  Afterall, it’s not here that long!  And, quite frankly, each winter that passes, I have less and less tolerance for the bitter cold nipping on my ears.

I realize that a lot of people don’t share in my fondness for the heat and find it to be quite miserable and that argument is quite valid.

Last weekend there were a number of heat advisories in effect throughout Upper Ohio Valley. Many were warned to use caution when moving forward with their weekend plans.  Luckily, my weekend was clear, so my plan was easy.  I spent it in the pool with the kids and a lot of icy treats.  Some water balloon fights and late-night talks on the porch are some of my favorite times. Sounds pretty simple, but not necessarily attainable for others.  For that reason, the extreme heat can take a more serious turn.  One must use caution.

We cannot forget, our elderly community, our pets and our children.  In addition to extreme heat, the humidity is a concern.  This can make for difficulty in breathing.  The sweat does not allow our bodies to regulate our temperatures resulting in fatigue and dehydration that can lead to some very serious consequences.  So, it is important that we prepare to check on those who might need a little assistance staying cool throughout the rest of the summer.

Take it all in and enjoy your endless popsicles but share with those who might be counting on our help.  Whether it be sharing cool treats; water; providing shelter; a fan; or, running an errand for someone who just really can’t be in the heat. Check on those who may need a little extra help during these extreme temperatures.  Have a safe and enjoyable July!