Back to School

Back to School
Back to School

Before you know it, it will be time for the kiddos to head back to school. As a parent you may be dreading the school mornings ahead because, let’s face it, it’s summertime and morning routines and bedtime schedules went right out the window when the summer break started. Here are some helpful tips you can implement now to help you and your child get ready for the first day of school:

1. Start a morning schedule: Wake your kids up at what time will be their regular morning wake-up time for school. For older children, have them set an alarm. 

2. Eat a healthy breakfast: Kids need a nutritious breakfast to supply them with energy throughout the day to stay alert, so incorporate healthy options like fruit or whole grain toast and cut out the sugary cereals or breakfast bars.

3. Set out clothes the night before: This will help with frantic mornings and wardrobe meltdowns.

4. Pack a healthy lunch: Make your lunches together the night before. This will help set a routine in motion for when school starts.

5. Make a dedicated TV/electronics free time: Get into a homework routine now by having TV/electronics-free time during after school hours. For now, this time can be utilized for learning activities/games or just catching up with family time to talk about your day or even help with dinner preparation.

6. Stick to a bedtime routine: Get back into a set bedtime routine now so when school starts your kiddo is already adjusted to the earlier bedtime by the first day of school.

7. Start/continue reading with your child every day: Thirty minutes of reading together each day is a great way to spend quality time with your child, but yet keep their brains fresh and ready to learn.

8. Start your back-to-school shopping: Bring the kiddos with you. Shopping for book bags and supplies will get them excited for the first day.