August 23rd, 2021
Back to School Driving Zone Safety
Students of all ages are returning to school this week, which means school driving zones are back. The school day begins with bus drop offs, kids riding bikes or walking to school and parents dropping their kids off before work. During the morning and afternoon student commutes, it is extremely important for drivers to take caution by slowing down, paying attention to the school zone signs, crossing guards helping students cross the street and more. Check out the safety tips below from the National Safety Council to ensure you’re being an alert and safe driver throughout the school year:
- Do not load or unload children across the street from the school if you’re dropping students off or picking them up.
- Do not block the crosswalk when stopped at a stop sign or red light. This forces students to go around you and could put them in the path of moving traffic.
- When flashers are blinking in a school zone, stop and yield to the students crossing the crosswalk or intersection.
- If a crossing guard is holding up a stop sign, always stop.
- Do not pass a vehicle stopped for students.
- Do not text and drive.
- Never pass a school bus from behind- or from either direction- if it is stopped to drop off or pick up children.
- Take precaution and stop 10 feet away from a school bus to allow a safe amount of space for children to enter or exit the bus.
- Always be alert and take it slow.
Each and every day, drivers need to remember to be extra cautious when driving through a school zone. We hope all the returning students have a fun, safe and healthy school year!