Are You Ready For Fall?

Are You Ready For Fall?
Are You Ready For Fall?

It is hard to believe that summer is over and that it is officially September. Being that it is September, it is time to put away the summer toys and get out our fall decorations…or is it?  Looking through social media posts, there seem to be differences of opinions on this one question.  When should I start decorating for fall?

Scrolling through, I have seen quite a few pictures of people who have begun decorating their homes with pumpkins and corn stalks already.  I have also seen photos of people still enjoying time in their pools and playing on the beach holding on to every second of summer they can.

Of course, there is no hard rule as to when we should start breaking out the pumpkin spice candles.  However, Mother Nature gives us signs such as changing color in the leaves and cooler weather to push us into decorating mode.