Admiration for Teachers

Admiration for Teachers
Admiration for Teachers

As we rightly admire our healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store clerks and the others who are helping us right now, let’s not forget our teachers.

I’m lucky enough to be married to a teacher. Anyone who knows a teacher understands it is truly a calling. Nobody is in it for the money. They sacrifice over and over again for the good of their students.

I see it all the time. There are countless examples of teachers who have gone above and beyond the call to support, help and teach our kids.

Now that schooling has been moved to home, a lot of us have probably gained an appreciation for what it takes to keep a kid -- who could be anywhere from three to 18 years old -- focused, on task and learning throughout the day.

So thank you to all of the teachers out there. We look forward to the day when you can help us again!